

The Florida Bar states: “The personal representative is the person, bank, or trust company appointed by the judge to be in charge of the administration of the decedent’s probate estate. In Florida, the term “personal representative” is used instead of such terms as “executor, executrix, administrator and administratrix.”The personal representative has a legal duty to administer the probate estate pursuant to Florida law. The personal representative must:

    • Identify, gather, value, and safeguard the decedent’s probate assets.
    • Publish a “Notice to Creditors” in a local newspaper in order to give notice to potential claimants to file claims in the manner required by law.
    • Serve a “Notice of Administration” to provide information about the probate estate administration and notice of the procedures required to be followed by those having any objection to the administration of the decedent’s probate estate.
    • Conduct a diligent search to locate “known or reasonably ascertainable” creditors, and notify these creditors of the time by which their claims must be filed.
    • Object to improper claims, and defend suits brought on such claims.
    • Pay valid claims.
    • File tax returns and pay any taxes properly due.
    • Employ professionals to assist in the administration of the probate estate; for example, attorneys, certified public accountants, appraisers and investment advisors.
    • Pay expenses of administering the probate estate.
    • Pay statutory amounts to the decedent’s surviving spouse or family.
    • Distribute probate assets to beneficiaries.
    • Close the probate estate.

If the personal representative mismanages the decedent’s probate estate, the personal representative may be liable to the beneficiaries for any harm they may suffer.”

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