
JWLA Executive Board Sworn In

The new executive board of the Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association was sworn in at its first meeting under new President Stephanie Harriett Wednesday at the offices of Murphy & Anderson. The board is (from left) immediate past President Lindsay Tygart of Murphy & Anderson; Secretary Kate Mesic of the Law Offices of Yekaterina Mesic; Vice President of Events-Opening Reception Susannah Collins of the Law Office of F. Susannah Collins; President Stephanie Harriett of the Law Office of Stephanie Harriett; Treasurer B.J. Taylor of Boyd & Jenerette; Vice President of Events-Holiday Party Banda Crawford of Fernandez Trial Lawyers; Vice President of Public Relations Millie Kanyar of the Affinity Law Firm; President-elect Katherine Naugle of Naugle and Smith; and Vice President of Events-Judicial Reception Vanessa Zamora Newtson of Mark Rosenblum, P.A

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